Dignity and respect

What we do

  • Treat people with dignity and respect regardless of their culture, religion, age, race, sexual orientation or disability.
  • Accept and respect people’s individuality.
  • Take time to listen to people and understand what’s important to them.
  • Communicate in an open, accurate and straightforward way using appropriate language.
  • Allow people to maintain their dignity and feel comfortable, particularly when receiving personal care.
  • Protect and respect people’s confidential personal information.
  • Check with people about how they want to be addressed and use humour appropriately.
  • Respect people’s right to make their own decisions and choices about how they want to be cared for.
  • Respect people’s homes, family relationships and facilities.
  • Respect the position of trust they have with people who need care and support and customers.
  • Deal sensitively and appropriately with behaviour that challenges.